Alaska's Wholesale Ophthalmic Lens Manufacturing Lab
World-class lens designs and anti-reflective coatings made right here in Alaska with an Industry Leading Same-Day Guarantee

Custom Eye Lab
We are here to help you set a new standard for the independent eyewear industry in Alaska. Unprecedented turnaround times for top-tier digital lens designs WITH industry leading anti-reflective coating technology. Right here in Anchorage.
We provide a full portfolio of prescription lenses from single-vision to advanced digital free-form progressive designs, including Branded designs from Essilor, Hoya and Shamir. Available with next day (or optional same-day guaranteed) delivery.
We are your competitive edge. Join us in changing the culture of eye care in Alaska.

Locally Owned & Operated
Being locally owned and operated, we understand the unique challenges that come with operating in Alaska.

Digital Free-Form & AR Coating
In-house edging and mounting with surfacing and the industries most advanced anti-reflective coating.

Including a complete portfolio of lens designs, photochromics, and seriously tough AR Coating.

Fast Turnaround
Provide your patients with the fastest turnaround time in the state, with an optional "Same Day Guarantee."
Superior Service, Quality, and Performance
Custom Eye Lab is committed to supporting your eye care practice in ways that exceed your expectations for service, performance and quality.
Unprecedented Turn-Around Time
Stand out from the corporate crowd with TRUE same or next day service for ANY lens design WITH premium anti-reflective coating. Optional guaranteed same day completion of eligible orders for the fastest delivery in Alaska.
Industry Leading Technology
We offer world-class lens designs and anti-reflective coatings made right here in Anchorage. Our state of the art In-house digital surfacing line and AR coating process means your practice stays on the leading edge of materials, technology, products and processes. The quality of the ‘big guys’ with hometown service.
Competitive Edge
Imagine the advantages of introducing Same Day Delivery of eyeglasses on your business. When you partner with Custom Eye Lab, you can offer your patients and customers something they’ve never experienced before: premium lens designs with superior coatings without the compromise of a long wait. We are here to support our Independent Optical Community.

we love them
what our clients have to say
“ We couldn’t be more happy to not have to ever send another frame out of state. Plus, we are supporting our Alaskan economy with literally no compromise in quality, price, or delivery time. By switching to Custom, we now offer our patients in the villages top-tier designs, coatings and transitions at more affordable prices. The unbelievably fast turnaround from Custom has allowed us to deliver glasses faster than literally anyone else."
CharlesBetterSight Co